Our Story & Our Heritage
Fastnet Rock, where you’ll find the famous Fastnet Lighthouse, is the southernmost point of Irish soil. It lies 19km (10 nautical miles) from Baltimore, Co. Cork. Used to help ships navigate the lively Atlantic, it is often either the first, or last, sight of Europe. The Lighthouse has been a guiding light to mariners since 1854.
FASTNET GROUP are a team of dedicated professionals who all have something in common; they have first-hand experience within the sector they operate in. This gives us a natural ability to truly understand the needs of a business and the attributes to collaborate effectively with them. Our core values are something we really believe in, they’re not just words that we present on our website, they are behaviors that are ingrained within us and we align ourselves to them at every step of our customer/client experience.
We are TRULY remarkable & trusted professionals.
The first place you see, the only place you need.
Reference Refer Recruit
Understanding your every need & finding solutions.
Lighting the way to your next opportunity.
Your guiding light to recruitment & training.
Our Mission Statement
We are constantly motivated to empowering businesses with skilled professionals. Producing & sourcing out talented individuals so that our clients don’t have to. Our team of dedicated professionals understand the needs of businesses across a wide range of sectors, keeping their requests at the forefront of our process. Working collaboratively as a team and with our valued clients.
Meet the Team
Liam Minehane
Company Chairman
07717437027 liam@fastnet.group
Jordan Geoghegan
Alex Redican
07523911044 alex@fastnet.group
Sam Wale
07727642494 sam@fastnet.group
Matthew Hoey